Newborn Preparation Guide | Treasured Memories
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       A peaceful  state of sleepiness is the ultimate goal of our newborn session, .  To insure this I'm asking a little bit of help from you. None of which I have  not  already done with my very own baby  and all my clients before you. Traditional newborn pictures are very time sensitive,  I prefer to work with a baby before the age of 2 weeks, before they get alert. A sleepy baby is critical to the success of your newborn session so please follow all of the helpful tips and instructions.  This  perfect sleep recipe has proven to very effective in newborn photography around the world.

Sleepy Baby Hints

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     1-If baby has been sleeping all morning prior to the session we may spend a long time getting baby to settle down to sleep and  may not get many posed shots  and use the props you've requested.  If you can pls try and keep baby awake by maybe bathing baby or interacting with baby prior to the shoot. Obviously this may all  go out the window,  as these things are easier said than done.  But this little bit of prep can make a big difference to the session if baby is tired upon arriving at studio. 

     2-pls dress baby in a simple loose sleeper, one not to be pulled over the head for this is a sure way to awake a sleeping baby

      3-If baby uses a pacifier please bring it with you it can be a huge lifesaver when baby only wants to feed for comfort, can make a difference of getting the shot or not.  Baby can smell mom and hear her voice and this triggers their instinct to feed and can be quite a distraction and disrupt the fluidity of session.

    4-Any eye gunk or boogers are to be removed where possible  and PLEASE no lotion on skin......I prefer not a slippery and oily baby!

     1-  I would deeply appreciate you feeding the  baby the FULL feeding here in studio upon arrival, a full tummy equals a sleepy baby.  Obviously don't starve  the baby,  but give just enough for the car ride. Upon arrival I will get the baby ready for his/her first scene first, Then you feed baby and if the baby falls asleep I  wont have to wake baby to get ready...A full baby means a happy baby ....I've been using this in my work flow for many years and  have found it works best to achieve  the sweet and  calm curly poses of baby that you have seen in my portfolio. If you're  baby is only  breast milk fed..... if you  can pump extra in bottle for me to use,  to soothe the  baby to get baby away from mom long enough for me to get the shots can be a game changer, this especially helps with  the cluster feeding babies!!    If you are bottle feeding formula or breast milk please bring along more then you think you'll  need.  

     2- Once  I get the to the newborn baby part of the shoot it  will be hot hot hot in the studio, I turn up the heat to keep your little one warm and comfy, so dress light or with layers so that you can remove some if you get too warm.

Feeding tips for Baby

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Sessions with Siblings


     1- Newborn sessions with siblings generally take up to 4 hours, they can be very challenging  and difficult at times, so I ALWAYS start with siblings first at the beginning of the session to get that out of the way cuz smaller kids and toddlers don't last long, Once we do siblings and then family pics, then they are free to go and not be stuck in studio for the duration of the full 4 hours.  I suggest either bringing 2 cars so that Dad can take the kiddos home or even out to eat .....or bring mom or nanny or a family member or baby sitter  thats up for the  task.   This way I can concentrate on completing the session with baby with out interruptions.  Once in a while I come across families that have traveled far with a long car ride to get to the session and  don't live close so these options can be difficult..then I suggest going out to eat close by...or bringing ipads and what not to keep the them occupied and busy.

     1-  If you wish to have portraits taken with baby I suggest keeping it simple.  Personally I think solid colors and  neutral colors work best. (see color palette below)  Loud colors put a color cast onto baby and harder to edit! You can scroll thru my web and check out past sessions to get ideas of what looks good.  Bright colors and busy patterns  and large logos just take away from the baby.  Excess jewelry - lots of bracelets,  big  or long necklaces  and watches are  a distraction and takes away from the baby, so pls leave at home....also if were doing naked shots-  watches and bracelets  scratch and mark up the babies sensitive  skin.  Also cell phones are beginning to be  more of a problem with the adults then the while  I'm shooting ...especially the family pics, pls leave phones in outer room until were finished...phones in pockets create a huge bulge that I now  have to edit out ... and taking phone calls while I'm shooting just interrupts the rhythm  flow of the session.  More breaks we take the longer the session lasts!   See examples to the right of the lighter images  Vs   the darker images!  

      2-  CHECKLIST-   diapers, wipes, milk, (bottles can really help too) parent and sibling outfits, pacifier (if they use it), home outfit for baby, change of clothes for parents for accidents, bribery toys or snacks  for toddlers.

Family Photos

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   For Booked Client's

      Once you're booked....please  feel free to go thru my prop collection and find some of your fave props you want me to use during the shoot. Click on the   "view all"  buttons under each category to access the list of available props.   1.-Please collect  a list of 10 of your faves props you would love for me to  use during your newborn session and  a few sibling and parent shots if were including family shots. Take  screenshots from my site  and  share  them with I can use this as a guide during our shoot  ...... this gives me an idea of your taste, likes and dislikes.  If possible- I prefer to get  the list the night before the shoot so i have time to locate and  sanitize and gather all that I will need to create my magic. .  Pls do keep in mind that I can only do what newborn and toddlers allows, they have bad days just like us so pls keep in mind this is not a promise that every pic you send will be done but I will try my best. If you  have sentimental  items feel free to bring along.  Just click on the  "view all" for chosen category below.  Happy searching!

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